A few months ago, we featured a smart concept that the marketing team behind the horror flick "Bug" did when cutting radio spots for the movie. Knowing that they'd be advertising on satellite comedy channels, they knew they had considerably more license in the copy than they would for terrestrial radio.
The result: "Bug. It'll scare the living shit out of you." Which was perfect for satellite.
Last week AdFreak noted that some movie marketers are beginning to use R-rated trailers for their R-rated movies.
I've always thought the studios to be lazy in only developing a single "All Audiences" trailer...especially when I'm about to watch an R-rated film. But now, with a clearer understanding of narrow-casting AND the availability of the internet, a number of studios are resorting to "red-band" trailers.
As AdFreak points out, it's probably just an attempt at generating "salacious buzz."
Not that there's anything wrong with that...