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October 29, 2007


Jim Epperson


Stan Hodge, former research mgr., Texas Tourism, had a wonderful study that, as I remember him telling me, showed:

1. No significant increase in standardized test scores associated with early school start;
2. Tax revenue loss directly attributable to early school start;
3. Increased costs for schools for utilities (A/C in TX in August??)


I think the study was updated since this 2000 version.

In Indiana, about a month ago, our Governor and Supt. of Public Instruction announced a move for our standardized test - ISTEP - to spring from a fall date. Now, we have the precursor done, we'll be working on legislation in the upcoming session.


The important question for school administrators is, "Are there any academic reasons that it is better to start school before Labor Day?"

Scott Dring

Hi Bill, we are working here in Ohio on this front...This past August the extreme heat caused many schools to use a large portion of their calamity days for the year, just another reason for a post Labor Day start.

Bill Geist

Jim: Great to know there are other definitive economic studies.

Scott: Congratulations...and I look forward to working with OACVB on this concept in January.

And Michael: Bang on...and after ten years of these discussions/debates all over the country, I've never seen a shred of evidence that points to lower test scores with a post-Labor Day start. In fact, here in Wisconsin (before the change), we compared post-Labor Day schools to pre-Labor Day schools and found that the post-Labor Day scores averaged higher.

That is NOT something we used, as the sample size was small and there are other factors that surely contributed as well. But it was clear that it didn't hurt them.

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