Another NBC talking head has announced a pull-back from "exotic" travel because it just wouldn't look right in these "tough economic times" (come back tomorrow for some fun on that overused phrase).
First, it was Brian Williams saying that his family would be skipping their spring break so as not to appear insensitive to the economic malaise. Now, to be fair, he has since become way more aware of the impact that such a move would have on the hospitality industry and is planning to travel to New Orleans.
But, it seems he didn't share this wisdom with Matt Lauer, who has announced that the Today Show won't be continuing the "Where In The World is Matt Lauer" segment because it sends the wrong message.
Over at ABC, however...they seem to have gotten the memo, as Deepak Chopra said yesterday: If you can afford a vacation, then you must definitely take it. It'll help the economy.
I knew there was a reason I watch GMA. And thanks to my friend Kim Lilly at the Lehigh Valley CVB for the catch.