Don't get me wrong...Khadafy is a bad guy whose regime has lasted decades longer than it should have. So, on one hand, today's coalition strikes against the Libyan military that have been carrying out retribution against protesters and opposition groups are a good thing.
However, imagine this scenario: Americans, frustrated with a government that no longer listens to its citizenry, begin to flood capital cities with protests that go on for weeks. The government tires of the protests and calls out the National Guard to quell the rebellion. The protesters fight back...and blood is spilled. Civil disobedience soars. The government begins to use deadly force to regain command and control.
How would our government respond if the Canadian Prime Minister told America to cease and desist...or face military intervention? And, how would the President respond if the British Prime Minister told him that he had lost legitimacy and needed to step down?
I'm thinking not well. And, yet...that's kinda what we've been doing as people have risen up against regimes in the Middle East over the past couple months.
Just a thought.