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January 18, 2012


Sonny Mares

Just read this blog about our loss of Bill Brault, ans was saddened. I, too, was very found of Bill and was fortunate in knowing him over the eight years I was at the Milwaulee CVB (and beyons). We shared many hours (actually, I got many hours of mentoring)talking the state of the hospitality industry and the GB Packers. Bill will be remembered as one of the TRULY GOOD GUYS.

Sonny Mares

Just read this blog about our loss of Bill Brault, and was saddened. I, too, was very found of Bill and was fortunate in knowing him over the eight years I was at the Milwaulee CVB (and beyond). We shared many hours (actually, I got many hours of mentoring)talking the state of the hospitality industry and the GB Packers. Bill will be remembered as one of the TRULY GOOD GUYS.

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