John Lennon once said, "life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." Death too.
I had planned to pay a long overdue visit to one of my many mentors in this industry after missing a chance to do so when a bunch of veteran Wisconsin DMO CEOs reunioned recently. And, now, I've waited too long.
Bill Brault was a mentor to so many of us...and he departed terra firma yesterday for the next adventure in his incredibly blessed life. Beyond the consumate marketer, he was just as amazing at idea generation and political advocacy. He was the vision behind the Packer Hall of Fame, created one of the most unique DMO structures in the nation and spearheaded a vast improvement in Wisconsin's then pourous Room Tax law.
Most importantly, he always had time to talk to newbies and always had an encouraging word when the cause appeared lost.
I know better than to wait so long to tell my friends how important they've been in my life. Yet, I've done it again.
Here's hoping he has WiFi in DMO Heaven. Bill, you rocked, I love you and I so hope we end up at the same destination when it's my time.
RIP, my friend.
Just read this blog about our loss of Bill Brault, ans was saddened. I, too, was very found of Bill and was fortunate in knowing him over the eight years I was at the Milwaulee CVB (and beyons). We shared many hours (actually, I got many hours of mentoring)talking the state of the hospitality industry and the GB Packers. Bill will be remembered as one of the TRULY GOOD GUYS.
Posted by: Sonny Mares | February 08, 2012 at 16:24
Just read this blog about our loss of Bill Brault, and was saddened. I, too, was very found of Bill and was fortunate in knowing him over the eight years I was at the Milwaulee CVB (and beyond). We shared many hours (actually, I got many hours of mentoring)talking the state of the hospitality industry and the GB Packers. Bill will be remembered as one of the TRULY GOOD GUYS.
Posted by: Sonny Mares | February 08, 2012 at 16:34