I know better than to frequent airport eateries. But sometimes, it's been a long day with a client and I haven't had a chance to catch a bite.
Sure, some airport restaurants have upped the ante in recent months...but there are so many more that haven't.
Like the one I briefly experienced last week at MSP. Looking for a table with an outlet so I could charge up my laptop, I wandered into the back section of one of these restaurants. The waitress promptly barked at me that that particular section was closed. Which is fine, I guess...but the pictured table was the only one not occupied in the main room.
Once I sat in the section that was "open" (less than ten feet from the section that was "closed"), I overheard the table to the right order the Calamari. She promptly urged them to pick something else. The Calamari there "is not very good," she intoned conspiratorially. The guy to the left ordered the Trout Fingers. She told him that he'd be sorry, because they, too, were horrible.
As she turned her attention to me, I just smiled...and promptly exited the restaurant, preferring a bag of rye chips to anything that would come out of that kitchen.
Don't get me wrong...beyond the barking at me part, I value a waitress that steers me away from a selection that may not be happening that day in the kitchen. But, I'm pretty sure that her manager would flip out if he had witnessed this particular display.
That it was 11:30am and she was the only one on duty in a 20+ table restaurant tells me something else. Somebody didn't show up for work that day...or her manager is worthless at scheduling. Either way, the manager should have been there. That he or she wasn't says volumes about the future of that particular eatery.
Or...maybe that WAS the Manager.