Those familiar with "Broca's Area" understand the magnetic powers of this region of the human brain. Recent research indicates that it latches onto new and different stimuli, causing us to react positively toward unique images.
Like the recent billboard campaign by Wyoming Tourism seen in Madison WI. Not only does seeing a board from a non-Midwest State catch just about every Broca's eye...the creative really seals the deal. You see...these boards are personalized.
"Badgers...Meet the Bison." For the unintiated, while we may be "cheesheads," Wisconsinites (and especially Madisonians) are known as Badgers, a tip of the hat to the University of Wisconsin mascot, Bucky Badger...not to mention that a badger adorns the head of the guilded maiden on the top of our State Capitol.
I had the chance to chat with Wyoming Tourism Director Diane Shober last week at the Utah Tourism Conference and asked how Wyoming decided to market to Wisconsin. She smiled and said that they have been for a number of years on TV.
And...that they decided to divert some of that buy to outdoor this year to catch those consumers that don't watch much TV. me. so works. And, congratulations to you and your agency on an extremely smart campaign.
Yes - why not litter Wisconsin in an effort to draw visitors to the great outdoors of Wyoming!
There are far more effective and less destructive outdoor advertising alternatives than billboards.
Posted by: Reyn Bowman | May 24, 2012 at 05:47
Less destructive, yes. Less effective? Not in my case. There is NO other way they would have captured my Broca (other than direct mail, which certainly is far from a green solution).
Posted by: Bill Geist | May 24, 2012 at 10:13