There are those moments when you watch companies that you assume have a clue...and you hafta just say WTF?
I've been getting a flurry of mail from Conde Nast over the past few months, with an increasing shrillness emblazoned on the envelopes that I am gonna stop getting their magazine if I don't pay up.
Ummm, I don't subscribe to, nor am even slightly interested in, Conde Nast.
I DO get Wired...and have for over a decade. Love it. Recommend it.
But...I had no idea that they were affiliated. That Conde Nast apparently handles their subscription renewals. And, when curiosity finally gets the better of me and I actually open one of the envelopes? It's a bold faced threat that they're going to turn me over to a collection agency if I don't pay up. Nice.
Honestly? Is Conde Nast so dimwitted that they think I'll respond to what looks like junk mail with their name in the sender corner...when Conde Nast means nothing to me?
Hey Conde Nast? Try putting "Wired" on your envelopes. A lot of us might actually open your shit.
And re-subscribe.