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September 09, 2015


Maura Gast

Nicely done, Bill. Michael did a great job leading the organization at a critical time, and I'm glad to see him with a graceful exit (regardless of the USAE take on it). We're a much better industry organization today for the path he took us on.

David Zunker

Michael is and always has been a class act, infusing the entire organization with creativity and innovation. He truly is a leader, with all of the nuances that term represents. That he could inspire you, Bill, to sometimes lock horns was probably even better for the organization and for the industry. There's nothing better than a passionate difference of opinion.
David Zunker

Bill Geist

I don't believe we ever differed on "where" the organization and the industry needed to go. We, on a couple occasions, had different opinion on "how" to do it. Which, yes...I hope that made us all better.

Reint Reinders

I had the pleasure of heading up the search committee of IACVB( at that time) and have been pleased over the years that we selected Michael. It is very difficult to remain on top for 15 years,with everyone happy with the job you are doing. I speak from experience as I had a great run as CEO of San Diego's DMA for 15 years. I wish Michael well as he deserves that and I am hopeful DMAI finds a solid Executive, who can take the organization to the next level and keep it relevant for years to come.

Bill Geist

Well said, Reint. I know we all wish Michael well on his next adventures and are just as hopeful as you that the next CEO can build upon Michael's foundation. Hope all is rockin' in your world. It's been too long...

Ann Marie Maher  - Discover Prince William & Manassas

Do I here you putting your hat in
the ring, Bill? :-)

Bill Geist

LOL...not my intention at all. Lots of great candidates already on the list :)

Tammy O'Kelley

Agree with you 100%, Bill.

Rose Meldrum

My very best wishes for Michael on his retirement & the new ventures that await him. He will truly be missed in the tourism industry. He was liked by all. I have very fond memories.

Steven Paganelli, CDME

I recall the tumult of DMAI's Detroit meeting and late-90s revolving door and, as others have noted, Michael's tenure was an important stage of relative stability. Among his accomplishments was assembling a talented team of professionals who are well-positioned to carry the torch and ensure a seamless transition. DMAInext was the perfect title for this, Bill, as the next 100 years for our Industry and DMAI hold so much exciting potential!

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