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January 25, 2016


Meilee Anderson

Adventures in destination marketing continue. Celebrity endorsements? All I can think of is "Oh boy, how much is this going to cost me?" Does the destination own the rights to the content and collateral they create? Or can you only use that content and collateral while paying for the privilege to do so? My mind is already calculating how to demonstrate the ROI of an endorsement.

Bill Geist

I hear you...but, in today's world of viral (and not so viral) video availability online, even after Chris' time is done, his video work will live on. Hell, Hogan hasn't been paid in years and yet his iconic "barbee" video has been seen by well over half a million people on YouTube alone...decades after the spot ran in the '80s.

Of course, it goes both ways. Just ask Hertz, Nike and Subway.

Bill Baker

I am sure that usage is a primn concern for Tourism Australia. They are one of the smartest digital DMOs out there and viral will be top of mind for them. In the Age of Hogan we didn't have an issue with content as you would have today because of those digital opportunities. These days I am not so much fan of celeb endorsements for destinations unless they are designed with the intent of gaining viral coverage. More than ever, the destination has to be the star and deliver big time.

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