As Don Henley once sang, "there's three sides to every story, baby. There's yours and there's mine and the cold hard truth."
That lyric seems to sum up the sad state of affairs in Putnam County NY, where the Destination Marketing Organization and its alleged Foundation are under attack by the media and scrutiny by the Attorney General.
The back story: Former NY First Lady Libby Pataki was named director of the County CVB late in 2012. While the appointment smacked of politics, there were several that cheered the hire. Fast forward to the present, Libby has resigned her post in the face of withering criticism from The Journal News, which has dug up a trail of mismanagement that, if true, is sensationally appalling.
And, that's where it gets weird. One paper says the CVB is a dysfunctional conduit to funnel money into Libby's pocket. Another paper says the reporter digging up the dirt is too unsophisticated in the workings of non-profit governance to understand what he's seeing.
Regardless, here's what we do know. The CVB and its Foundation's Boards have not met in years. There are Board members who say they haven't attended a Board meeting in years. There are some who are listed as Board members that claim to not know they serve on the Board. And, the list goes on...including a website rife with broken links that, up until the expose began, appeared not to have been updated in over a year.
There's too much he said-she said to really know what went on...and I'll let the Attorney General figure it out.
What I do know is that naming someone to a post as crucial to a region's economy as a DMO just because they have a name in town or are well liked or are perceived to be creative is a ticket to disaster. Running a non-profit organization (DMO or not) is no longer a feel-good proposition. It takes experience and talent in the realm of governance and leadership to traverse the treacherous waters of legal statutes and IRS expectations.
While the courts will ultimately untangle this web, it certainly appears as if Libby Pataki, for all her political and social assets, had no more idea of how to run a DMO than Somali Pirates know how to build a starship.
And, experience trumps personality, nine times out of ten.
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