I've been saying it for as long as I can remember. It's the culture of a place (not the attractions, facilities or hotels) that completes the destination. And, there's no more universally embraced aspect of culture as Music.
Which is why were were so impressed when the Chattanooga Area CVB created a full-time Music Manager position last year. It's why we can't wait to see what Visit Asheville is about to do with a web platform that launches next week, dedicated to highlighting local talent and making the city a music destination.
And, why we've been loving listening to DentonRadio.com over the past couple months as one of a handful of internet stations that provides the aural background for our office and life. As Denton CVB CEO Kim Phillips tells the story, it was a chance meeting with a local entrepreneur that was working on an online opportunity to connect local artists to consumers. Coincidently, the Bureau had been contemplating how to better connect the dots between music and visitors...but didn't have the connections or expertise on staff. You can guess the rest of the story.
Similar to Spotify or Pandora, online listeners are able to click to find where performers which they are listening to are performing next...or other Denton talent from the same genre. Both DentonRadio.com and the CVB brought assets to the joint venture that the other couldn't do on their own.
And, isn't that the way we should all be viewing the development and curation of content for our destinations?
These three DMOs are breaking some sensational new ground. Here's hoping their stories get picked up at State, Regional and National Destination Marketing conferences this year!
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