They had already decided before they walked into the room.
With thousands of constituent communiques and hundreds of people in the Hearing Room ready to express their opposition to the proposed draconian exorcism of Visit Florida and the State's Economic Development agency, the Committee on nothing that has anything to do with tourism and economic development voted to move the bill forward.
But, here's where it gets weird. Representative Mike La Rosa suggested that local Bed Tax collections could be re-allocated to fund the State Tourism effort.
I mean, really, WTF?
Hey, Mike? How will the towns you represent attract the visitors that they need to drive the economy of your constituency without the local room tax revenues you authorize. Hint: They won't.
But even better was his question of whether the State would have authority over the "new" locally funded Visit Florida.
Honestly? It's not your money, yet you want control?
Wow...just, wow.
We need to remember that the Koch brothers and Americans for Prosperity decided to target Florida first. Which state will they take aim st next
Posted by: Vhaley | February 09, 2017 at 14:56