As we continue to watch machinations of a bunch of bat shit crazies attempting to throttle Florida's economy, we are continually amused (but no longer amazed) by the stuff that come out of people's mouths.
Part of this is the 24/7 news beast that requires comment (not fact) to keep things interesting. But that doesn't qualify these nutjobs to get quoted.
I once asked the editor of one of our local newspapers if he would print an article in which I claimed to have a cure for cancer. When he said "no," I asked why he printed the insane rant of someone that clearly wasn't connected to reality.
Gotta present both sides, he said.
Rubbish. We need the media to present rationale thought.
So, here's one from the shitshow in Florida. And, naturally, it comes from "Americans for Prosperity Florida."
“We want people to continue to come to the state,” said Andres Malave, the group’s spokesman. “Before Visit Florida existed, Florida was a hotbed for tourism, and it’s going to continue to be a hotbed for tourism because of the all the great infrastructure we have, our low tax base and people want to come to the state of Florida and continue to visit.”
Again, let's break this insanity down.
Yes, Florida was a great destination before Visit Florida. But, people go where they are invited. And, you're no longer the default destination. As part of a DMOvizion project, we recently asked three focus groups in Toronto to name their favorite beach destinations. Florida wasn't mentioned once.
Every other destination in the country sees what you've done in Florida...and they want some. So, California (which also has Disney and great weather) is spending $100 million to convince me to visit. If I don't hear a compelling reason otherwise, where do you think I'll go next year?
Hey, Andres? If y'all are successful in this witch hunt to get Visit Florida defunded...please let us know where we can find you in a year or so when voters start losing their jobs because visitor spending declines in your wake. I'm sure they'd all like to convey their heartfelt thanks.
So on another online forum, someone posted: "If Visit Florida is defunded, as some members of the legislature want to do, would that impact your decision to hold your meeting in Florida?" The first answer from a meeting planner was no.
So I rephrased the question: "Maybe the better question is: If Visit Florida is defunded, and less and less people choose Florida over their soon-to-be-better-known competitors, and tax rates on visitors (and residents) skyrocket in order to pay for all the convention centers, stadiums, theaters and arenas - not to mention beach renourishment - previously funded on visitor taxes so that Florida becomes one of the most heavily taxed destinations in the country - would that impact your decision to hold your meeting in Florida?"
That answer came back yes.
Posted by: Maura Allen Gast | February 27, 2017 at 06:44
Florida's competitors have been luring their leisure base for years now and it will take very little to close the sale. If no one is actively inviting leisure travelers to Florida the other southeast states will be more than happy to welcome them.
Posted by: Kraymore | February 27, 2017 at 07:11
If politicians thought so little of marketing and advertising, why do they spend so much time fundraising and spending money on advertising during election season? People know who they are, they will vote anyways? RIGHT? Hypocrits on so many issues these days - this being a glaring one. Tourism and Florida - such a reach to think of the connection?!?!
Posted by: Gina Speckman | February 27, 2017 at 17:22