I saw Stanford researcher BJ Fogg (author of Tiny Habits) a number of years ago at Brandworks University...and I use one of his prioritization tools to this day when I work with DMO Boards attempting to collectively decide "what next?"
So, when Terri saw this article transition through her feed today, there was little doubt that I'd be all over it. The professor, who though his "Persuasive Tech Lab" at Stanford helped launch the founders of Instagram, has recently opined that 2020 may well be the year that we begin to shame people that are addicted to their mobile screens, much as many shun smokers.
Where being buried in one's screen once signaled a degree of status, that we all have such devices now means that you're just a self-absorbed asshole (my words, not BJ's) when you're more interested in said screen than you are the people around you.
Fascinating turn of culture, wouldn't you say?
Not surprising...sadly.
Posted by: Lee Tasseff | December 18, 2019 at 15:22