The team at the Cabarrus County CVB has been masterful at their use of video during the pandemic. Their "Pit Stop" video early in the crisis was one of the most hopeful and heartfelt videos we saw last Spring.
I know that many of us in the Destination Marketing sphere believed that the unimaginable carnage that descended on the travel and hospitality industries during the second and third quarters of this year would result in a newly sophisticated appreciation of our role in the economies and quality of life in our communities. While many people supported their favorite businesses by stepping up their patronage of those that could deliver product virtually, distantly and/or take-out, so many of our community leaders have yet to fully understand the acute pain.
With all due respect, they have been dealing with their own struggles and, unless they knew someone from the hospitality and performance sectors, they haven't yet experienced the pain.
Donna Carpenter and her crew are back with two new videos. One encourages area businesses to get certified as safe and healthy with the voices of local partners spreading the message. Which, of course, is the most effective way to get viewers engaged.
But, it is the second video that is so amazingly powerful. "The State of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry" peels back the happy face we typically show the world to showcase the pain our partners experience as they are forced to layoff staff and potentially close their doors. It puts a face to the pain; it gives voice to the agony so many feel.
And, we can surely hope that it will resonate with Local, State and Federal leaders that there are so many of their constituents crying out for their help.