Remember the USFL? A Spring Football League that was ultimately deep-sixed by a guy that eventually became President?'s back. And the Birmingham CVB has committed two million dollars to see that the entire season (every game) is played in their city.
Of course, they're taking some hits for the decision. But, let's break this investment down. The new league (which will play next Spring and is backed by Fox Sports) will launch with 8 teams and will play a 10-game schedule plus three playoff games.
Now, you can argue all you want about what percentage of the crowd will be local versus room night visitors or what the true economic spend will be versus the million dollar investment. However, Fox and the teams are expected to generate 50,000 Room Nights alone. Factor in ancillary spending and the impact on the Birmingham hospitality industry could easily top the DMO's investment.
But, even if you don't believe the estimates, next Spring, for 12 weeks, Fox Sports will be broadcasting from Birmingham every Saturday and Sunday (with a few Fridays and Mondays tossed in). 23 games will be televised...all with money shots of the destination sprinkled through each game coming in and out of commercial breaks.
23 three hour, content-rich commercials for Birmingham. 40 million viewers.
What other DMO can claim that kind of international visibility?
Nicely played, Birmingham.