Over the past few months of being back on the road after over a year-long hiatus, we've noticed a distinct difference in the air quality at many of the hotels in which we've stayed. Over half of the hallways we've walked smelled like weed.
When I've asked Managers if they enforce the same smoking fines as traditionally applied to tobacco, most affirm that they do. "But they don't care," said one in Florida. "What's a $250 fine if it's split 10 ways? You get to smoke weed all night with your friends for $25? It's a deal."
Flash forward to a conversation I had recently about how a silver lining of COVID was that some hotels welcomed more locals trying to break the monotony of lock-down with a weekend getaway. I asked if this would continue as a target market for the next few years. He shook his head sadly and said:
"Local Equals Marijuana."
Sad, really. But I smell a market opportunity ahead.