As we all struggle to rebound from the carnage of the 'VID, travel has changed in ways that many consumers can't begin to understand unless they work in the industry.
While there was a heightened fear of having housekeepers in hotel rooms during the height of the pandemic (for all of us), hotels cut back on housekeeping...which, of course, slashed hours for hundreds of thousands of housekeepers. And, while fears of infection are lessening, most hotels are keeping with the "on demand" housekeeping strategy...which continues to sideline housekeepers as other hospitality jobs return.
The housekeepers that are back, however, are now facing rooms that take significantly longer to clean because, as one said in this article from Travel Weekly, "it's scum on scum." And, the way revenge tourists are now trashing rooms makes the job even harder for the individuals that have some of the hardest and most disgusting jobs in the sector.
All the more reason to add another buck or two to your standard housekeeper tip when when you check-out.
N'est-ce pas?
"revenge tourists" trashing rooms. As usual, the few will ruin things for the majority of normal travelers.
Posted by: Lee T | May 31, 2022 at 08:05