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June 01, 2022


Fritz Smith

That's travel today Bill! Been there done that, and have all the t-shirts. Why I drive now most to conferences unless it involves crossing an ocean.

Bill Geist

I'm with you, brother. We've all had these days/nights...but this one was simply breathtaking in the mistakes at every possible decision point.

Brian Weerts

Hello my friend, I haven't had a flight from hell, but via United had to wait 2 hours starting at midnight in Norfolk, VA simply for 1 bag to get from the plane to the claim area with no United office open in the airport and for 2 hours not even a listing of which baggage claim was the objective.
It will only get worse! There are an abundance of new boatmen on Styx wanting to ferry us on. I am not a pessimist but a performance bell curve from inception to demise is a pattern of existence.

Bill Geist

It was the one thing they said to me that was true. Your bag won't be available until 6am. The app said it was pulled at 5:50 ;)

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