When one has logged over 1.5 million miles in the air, there's not a lot for what one isn't prepared. Yet, it happened to me Friday night. I've been stranded overnight many times...but always was able to score a hotel room (even as late as 3:30 am). That didn't happen this past weekend and I spent my first overnight in an airport.
The experience was a never-ending cascade of mistakes punctuated at almost every turn by bad communication, starting with the gate agent we met as we returned from a futile attempt to de-ice. "I don't know," isn't an acceptable answer. And, it propelled my flight-mates and me to figure it out on our own.
Because most of the seating throughout the airport has arm rests, sleeping on seating is pretty much out of the question, if one wants to recline. I ultimately found a semi-dark hallway off F Concourse and spent a few fitful hours on the floor, my backpack as my pillow.
When I finally gave up trying to sleep at 4am, I started to walk the airport and was stunned at the number of people I discovered reclining on padded sleeping mats. Where did these come from? I didn't see them at 2 when I gave up and hit the floor. And yet, they were everywhere. How did I miss this opportunity?
As I continued my journey through MSP, I made other discoveries. Concourse C is exceptionally noisy due to the airport's odd need to continually broadcast that the shuttle isn't in operation overnight. And the seldom used Concourse B? That's where there are no armrests and lots of nooks and crannies in which to find solace as you crash for the night.
Which got me to thinking. Sleeping in an airport is rarely a pleasant experience...and most of us (even veterans like me) don't know how to diminish the anxiety and pain of the experience. So, wouldn't it make sense for airlines to avoid the chance to deliver a service miss with a clueless and uncaring gate agent (he honestly should be canned post haste) with a flash card or QR code that offers suggestions for how to overnight in an airport?
Just a thought...because that would make me love my favorite airline even more.
You may have stumbled, staggered more like it into a new Air Law!
Posted by: Lee T | April 04, 2023 at 09:33