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April 26, 2023


Jay Graham

I'm proud to have directed that video and to have worked with those special people for many, many years prior to its production. I first met Webbs when I was just ten years old. I remember that encounter like it was yesterday. The proverbial molds were broken when Wendy and Webbs were born. The effects of their good work will be felt in the Rockford Region as long is it exists. Good post, Bill.

Bill Geist

Y'all have been a force that has propelled the renaissance of Rockford! Kudos to the max.

Angela Kay Larson

The subtext of this post (love it, Bill!), is the power of succession and assurances that the next generation of talent has equal or greater passion for executing toward that transformational vision. I’m sorry our paths didn’t cross while you were in town, Bill. Maybe next time! — AKL

Bill Geist

It's been way too long!

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