Followers of our Music Friday posts know that I believe one of the biggest travesties in Rock was the failure of The Unforgiven to become a big deal. A bidding war between record labels that was unheard of in the day, national exposure through Farm Aid, where they tore it down. A debut album that I thought was at least four tracks deep. And then, nothing.
Alas, the record company didn't know what to do with such an unusual concept...and the second album was never released. And most people have no idea of the power of The Unforgiven.
And yet, those of that do remain passionate about the band.
Today, we share one of the most lyrically powerful tracks of that lone album.
This is "With My Boots On."
"Boy, have you got my boots with you?
I grinned and nodded my head.
And I still recall thinking, as I took 'em off and gave him mine.
Was he smiling as he died 'cause he knew it was over,
or because he knew that I was lying?"
The Rabbit Hole...this fan documentary on the band.