Taking my granddaughter out to dinner to celebrate her High School graduation...and we asked where she'd like to go. If memory serves, her elder brother opted for a pretty high end steak house.
She says, "I really want a great burger." So to Yelp I go, searching for the highest rated burgers in the area for a Tuesday get together. And, while most indicate that they will be open Tuesday, 4 of the Top 5 are closed on Monday.
Now, I get it. Staffing is tough all over and both staff and management deserve a day off. But, because the tradition is to take Monday off after a busy weekend, the practice inadvertently turns some destinations into food deserts on Mondays. For locals, not much of a problem. For visitors? The practice leaves them stranded if they aren't into chain restaurants.
What if the truly destination defining restaurants in a town got together and agreed to stagger their days off so there would always be a handful open on Mondays. And hey, it would even give restaurant workers a chance to sample cool eateries on their day off.
Just a thought...