Those of us that aspired to major market FM DJ status in the '70s and '80s often listened to "airchecks." These were recordings of the top DJs in the nation, holding court on seminal rock stations across the land. We aspired to be like them and, while not wanting to copy them, attempted to find our own style and place in the Rock Radio ecosystem by learning from the greats.
One of my favorites was Dusty Street. What an awesome air name, I thought, not knowing that was, indeed, her given name. But, beyond the name was the smokey voice...and beyond the voice was her encyclopedic knowledge of the music she shared.
SiriusXM listeners may know her as the voice of the Deep Tracks and Classic Vinyl channels. I saw her broadcasting through the glass at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on one of my several visits to mecca. It was a thrill.
And now, she's departed terra firma. The woman who turned so many fans onto so many artists.
On this Music Friday, we take a rare turn to honor a DJ.
Rest in Peace, Dusty Street.
If you click on the Airchecks link, Dusty starts around the 11:00 mark. And, thanks to our friend Amir Eylon for the catch.