As is our custom, we offer up a music video each New Year's Eve. For the most part, these posts shudder at how inhuman humanity is becoming.
It started in 2006 with an exceptionally powerful song by the forgotten Living Loud. In 2008, the late Jimi Jamison moved us with "Can't Look Away." In 2011, it was Michael Jackson's "Earth Song." In 2016, we questioned how our government had become a monster with a song from 1969 (some things were clearly prophesied). The following year, we suggested that we might / should be on the "Edge of a Revolution."
Of course, that just didn't happen.
In 2017, Jackson Browne asked us all, "How Long." At the close of 2019, Martin Sexton begged us to join "One Voice Together." Of course, 2020 was a shit show of a completely different proportion, and we closed with a reworking of "Auld Lang Syne" from Yam Haus and Jaybird Studios.
This year, however, we're back to where we started.
On this final Music Friday of 2023, it's "In the Name of God" from Living Loud.
And, as we raise a glass tonight, can we add world peace to our toast?
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