The pride I have in my three girls is virtually indescribable. As I'm sure many fathers share.
All three have blazed paths that make me smile...and I trust that I had some part, however small, in their evolution into the sensational women they have become.
One, however, was recently recognized in a public fashion (the other two rock in less visible roles). Liz was just named EVP of People & Culture and Chief HR Officer for the Chicago Bears Football Club. And, in the Team's announcement of the promotion, I was referenced in the opening paragraphs.
Yeah...proud Dad.
It references our collective love of the Bears from my childhood through hers. How it was one of our many connections. Sadly, the article outs me for "flipping" to the Packers after moving from Illinois to Madison. In my defense, the Bears sucked in the late '90s, were rarely on TV in this market and Brett Favre was really fun to watch. But, when he left, I came back.
The story that wasn't told, however, is one that I remember fondly (and, I believe, solidified Liz' unwavering love of the Bears).
On the run up to the '86 Super Bowl, Bears players were actually allowed to do in-store (and in-bar) appearances and play on charity softball teams (that shit isn't permitted today). Because they rarely could get 10 Bears to show up to play suburban Police or Fire Departments, I was often introduced as the walk-on from Clemson at those softball games.
Liz often accompanied me to those games...where she met Otis Wilson (and his son), Dennis McKinnon and a number of Bears at the after-parties. It was an amazing time where you could hang with the players you loved.
How could she not have stayed loyal?
And how didn't I? rock. And I couldn't be prouder of all of my girls.
You rock, so how couldn't they?
Posted by: Renee Areng | April 15, 2024 at 10:14
Very kind, my friend. But one never knows...
Posted by: Bill geist | April 15, 2024 at 10:34
One word. Awesome!
Posted by: Mark Wegner | April 15, 2024 at 10:46
That she is, my friend. Thank you.
Posted by: Bill Geist | April 15, 2024 at 10:50
Proud you should be. That totally rocks!
Posted by: Lee T | April 17, 2024 at 14:37