You know the people who always laugh too loud? There were four last night at a corner table at dinner in Downtown Madison. I chalk that up to too much alcohol that, we're good.
But then, across the street at the Overture Center for Craig Ferguson? Right behind me. A guy who spent the fifteen minutes prior to showtime telling his friends what a connoisseur of comedy he was and how many shows he'd seen. He then proceeds to laugh the loudest in the hall, as if to prove he is the connoisseur he claims to be.
But, it's all wrong. He misses the nuance. He doesn't get Craig. He laughs at all the wrong moments...and as loudly as possible, apparently attempting to say, "I'm a connoisseur" when real connoisseurs merely nod and chuckle, appreciating the art behind such a stream of consciousness.
I'm not saying that there weren't bust-a-gut moments during Craig's monologue...but the connoisseur missed most of them. And, why do they always sit near me?
He's in Milwaukee tonight (Craig, not the connoisseur), Evansville on the 9th and Richmond VA on the 12th.
Treat yourself.
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